What is the Jesus Cult?
Satan has devised a plan to make many believe that they
are saved when in fact they are not!
This should come as no surprise because the Bible warns us
about this specifically. II Corinthians 11:14-15 states that
Satan is transformed into an "angel of light" and
his ministers are transformed into "ministers of righteousness."
We can see evidence of this in the Church world today as many
prominent ministers promote doctrines that are diametrically
opposed to the Word of God.
Since very few
actually study the Bible for themselves, many are being deceived.
This is why the Bible warns of an apostasy caused by "seducing
spirits" and "doctrines of devils" in I Timothy
4:1-2. While there are numerous perversions of Scripture that
point to "another Jesus" some of these doctrines
It is NOT enough to simply claim the "name" of
Jesus for II Cornthians 11:4 states that there are those who
will use this name to promote false gospels and false spirits.
Neither is coming in the "name" of Jesus just a
matter of verbal confession. It is evidenced in one's conversion
from a soulish life to a Spirit-led life (i.e. being born
again) that allows the authority, fruit, love, and power of
God to flow through you as a witness to others. |