Why Should I Read
The Jesus Cult Book? |
The Jesus Cult book is designed to speak only to the remnant
of God. It is written for those who have been faithful and
have remained in touch with Jesus through all the many changes
and perverse doctrines espoused in the church world. It is
a manual of encouragement for "the called;" those
who have not bitten the forbidden fruit and have studied to
show yourselves approved; workmen that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
The Jesus Cult is exclusively for the person who wants to
know truth, revels in it, longs for it, loves it; who has
bought the truth and will not sell it; and who believes that
we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free.
This is the book God has sent to give you that impetus to
go on just a little bit further and to push a little bit harder
into His everlasting arms.
Know that although you have been ostracized and cast aside
by the local church, you are not the one who is weird or strange.
You are not the one who has lost your mind or sees life too
narrowly. You are not the one who has gone astray. The church
world, at large, has gone astray; and yet, you have remained
faithful. I am not talking about the spirit of rebellion that
can come into a church person and make him antagonistic toward
leadership. No! Please don't misunderstand me. What I am saying
is that there is a way that seems right to man, but the end
thereof is destruction. You can come into an environment that
looks, sounds, smells, and tastes like church; and sounds
just like the call of the voice of Jesus Christ, but you may
find that you have stepped into Satan's playground. |
Everyone else is going downstream, but you are swimming upstream.
They say you "march to the beat of a different drummer"
and are not in touch with the flow of the Spirit. However, the reality
is this: you don't just accept anything as it is given, but are
careful to study, check, probe, and prod. You always take the extra
look. You want to make sure that you are progressing according to
God's will and not the will of man, even if it makes you an outcast,
unusual, or puts you outside the mainstream.
If this is your spiritual profile, then The Jesus Cult is your
personal training manual. This is a book written for an individual
who means to make it to heaven at all costs. It is written for those
who refuse to forsake the right way and run after the false doctrines
of men; and those who refuse to bow down to their own feelings and
emotions, and are not looking for the stimuli of excitement, emotionalism,
and gimmicks from jokesters and pranksters in the pulpit. Unlike
the masses, you are looking for a city, whose builder and maker
is God. For this individual, God has provided in these pages a little
energy boost. Prayerfully, this will get you over this last mile
before the end comes; and through the last push across the Jordan
River into Canaan land. |
This one last move to turn the people's hearts back to God as a
Father will produce a harvest of souls with people coming into the
kingdom at enormous rates. The Church will return with mighty signs
and wonders and gifts of the Holy Ghost: casting out devils; raising
the dead; healing the sick; opening blind eyes and deaf ears. The
demonstration of the Spirit and power will be given to bring in
a harvest; and then the end shall come.
Prepare yourself to be a part of this move of God. This book is
not written to the general church practitioner, the Christianette,
and those who are religiously anchored to denominationalism. Nor
is this book meant for those who are offended by truth. This book
simply is not meant for those of you who sit in the cesspool called
religion, pining away like the Gadarene demoniac, praying to altars
and idols created by man; always looking for a hand out from God,
instead of you giving God a hand. If that is your profile, this
is not your book!
Again, this book is written to the remnant of the Lord; those who
realize the time and season we are in. This is an expository book
for those of you who have been wondering, because you have the call
of God on you and because God has called you outside of the camp
and separated you from religion. This book is for those who have
asked, "What is this that I see? I don't fully understand it,
but I know something is wrong." This is your book. |
At the first revelation of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist was sent
in the Spirit of Elijah to prepare the way of the Lord and make
His way straight. The second revelation of Jesus Christ is the same.
God sends the Spirit of Elijah when Jesus returns the second time
to the earth to get out His own and then to judge the earth with
the wrath of God. He sends the spirit of Elijah again to call the
Church to repentance, to turn us away from religion and into relationship
with Him. He catches away His church and then judges the world and
the Antichrist that the world has set up as its rebellious leader.
To prepare the way for Antichrist, the devil has set up a religious
system that rules the earth. This book is an exposition of that
system. It lets you see the behind-the-scenes mechanics, the spiritual
make-up, the desires, the context, the root cause, and the things
set in motion on a daily basis to keep man's mind captivated by
the devil's system organized for man's destruction. |
It is going to take a rare individual who can see, know, and hear
the sound of the Spirit; the sound of the voice calling you home.
Don't fall prey to the delusions and aversions of a system that
hates and despises God. This is why the Spirit says in Revelation
18:4,"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come
out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and
that ye receive not of her plagues."
Don't fall prey to the plagues given to the false religious empire;
a system of perversion, sexual avarice, and open rebellion against
God. Folks it is time to wake up! We have slept long enough. We
have played long enough. We've been amused long enough.
These are false prophets telling you not to judge lest you be judged.
These are false prophets telling you to touch not mine anointed
and do His prophets no harm; all the time being pseudo-prophets
who don't even qualify for that statement. They are using the Word
of God to hide their greed and perversion, but it is time for the
remnant to be made manifest. I don't have to exert any energy to
convince you. You know who you are. You know by the Spirit that
we have come to the end of the road.
God is prepared to initiate total warfare to begin the annihilation
of the enemy that has been against Him from the beginning of time.
He is raising up an army to destroy the Jesus Cult. |