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About Omega Church & Ministries Center

Omega Ministries is uniquely called to deal with very specific problems in the Body of Christ. We believe that the local church is the bedrock for all Christian growth and encourage every Christian to establish strong family ties with other Christians in order to grow in grace, learning discipline and faithfulness. Also, we recognize that at this time, we face the onslaught of the One World System of the Antichrist, the New Age, Far Eastern mysticism, witchcraft, sorcery, false religion, paganism, homosexuality, feminism, the spirit of Jezebel, the spirit of Ahab and manipulation and control in the Church.

"Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:5)

The ministry's chief purpose is to help in the process of turning the hearts of all Christians back to the fathers. The hearts of God's spiritual children have been turned away from their heavenly Father just as the natural children of the earth have had their hearts turned from their natural fathers. Without a strong tie between fathers and children, we will never realize the fullness of a Godly relationship and come to trust and know God as our Eternal Father. We must be restored to our place of righteousness and peace as members of our Eternal Father's family through His son, Jesus Christ.

The worship and praise of man has almost totally replaced a relationship with the three members of the God-head. We must turn back to the days and ways of the Apostles who "ceased not to preach Christ." This is the goal, purpose and call of Omega Ministries. Christ must be made Lord in the hearts of His people.

To find out more about the Omega Church & Ministries Center, please visit our website at


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