Is This A Christian Site?
The Jesus Cult website and book are both intended to assist
Christians in obtaining a Scriptural understanding of salvation
and the born again experience so that they will be able to
be witnesses for Christ and stand in the tribulation to come.
By necessity, this means that we must not only set forth the
Word of God plainly, but we must also confront false teachings
that are leading millions of Christians away from Jesus Christ.
With contrived doctrines rooted in secular humanism, new age
precepts, and witchcraft permeating the landscape, the minds
of many are being corrupted away from the simplicity that
is in Christ.
There are numerous individuals who consider themselves "Christians"
but when you examine what they believe, it is as far away
from Christianity as the East is from the West. Amazingly,
a large number of so-called Christians don't even believe
that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Yet Jesus
said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John
14:6) Scripture also says, "Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
(Acts 4:12) The Bible could not be more
clear. Not only are there no instances in the New Testament
of salvation being obtained outside of Jesus, belief in Christ
is continually put forth as the standard for salvation. Why
would God have sent His Son to suffer the humiliation of being
publically beaten and mocked followed by the brutally tortuous
death through crucifixion if in fact there was any other
way for man to be reconciled unto God? The answer is because
there is no other way. This fact is clear in Jesus'
prayer at Gethsemane. When the time was upon Him, Jesus prayed
for there to be any other way, yet there was none offered
by God. Nevertheless, as He had always done, Jesus subjected
His will to the Father's.
Under the guise of ecumenicalism, Christians are being urged to
lay aside "doctrinal differences" in order to promote
a false religious unity, even with non-Christian religions. Belief
in Jesus as the only source of man's salvation is no longer
a foundational truth but a difference in perspective. In fact, those
who insist that the Word of the God is the standard for all
are increasingly labeled as intolerant, hateful, and narrow-minded.
This push for world peace and unity has served as an effective
muzzle for many who should be witnessing for Christ. These individuals
say that we should respect all beliefs, even those contrary to God's
Word, because God lovingly accepts everyone regardless of their
religious belief. Yet, this does not match up with the Word of God.
Jesus says that we are to be witnesses to Him and He commands us
to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you..." (Matthew 28:19-20) He also
said that only those who believe on Him receive everlasting life
because those who believe in Him actually believe in the Father
who sent Him. (John 6:47; John 12:44) It
is a sad commentary to note that the Jesus of the Bible would be
a complete stranger to most professing Christians. As promised,
through "peace" Satan is certainly hastening the destruction
of this world. (II Peter 2:1)
Even many "ministries" who claim Christ have mutated
Christianity into a world-centered message that defines belief in
Jesus as a one-time confession of faith followed by a life of religious
activity based on dead works where there is no real conversion or
born again experience. To support this watered-down Gospel, we are
presented with an emaciated Jesus whose definition of love is an
acceptance/tolerance of all lifestyles, beliefs, and doctrines.
In the new Christianity even fornicators, idolaters, homosexuals,
liars, adulterers, murderers, and practitioners of other abominations
are all saved.
How is it that Christianity has strayed so far from the example
that is set forth in Scripture? How has the Gospel of the Kingdom
become an earth-centered message where the life if God is snuffed
out in pursuit of worldly rewards, prosperity, and comfort? The
truth, my friends, is that it has not. True Christianity as defined
by the Word of God looks almost nothing like what we are seeing
promoted in many churches. Are there currently sincere Christians
in the world who serve the Lord in spirit and in truth? Yes! And
we praise God for them! God is gathering His remnant for an endtime
demonstration of power and a great harvest of souls. For those who
seek the liberation that can only come from a true relationship
with God, we encourage you to stay strong in the Lord. Don't be
destroyed for a lack of knowledge or be drawn away by seducing spirits
spouting false doctrines. This is no time to guess about your standing
with God.
We invite you to review this site and to read The Jesus Cult book
itself for a line by line examination of Scripture as we compare
the Church as defined by God versus what calls itself the church