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A Tower of Babel

We have come to that time in history where true believers can no longer stay silent as the devil makes inroads into the minds, hearts, thoughts and daily activities of the people in the world; holding them captive to his sinister plan of world domination. The tide is rolling in, and people's minds are being taken over by all kinds of philosophies and institutional teachings. Colleges and universities around the world are teaching secular humanism, making God no longer a personal Deity but a generic force; and a state of mind or being that indwells every human regardless of their religious background or belief system. Since you can now attain godhood through your own mind, self-will, thought patterns, and discipline, it is no longer necessary to come to Jesus. This is the spirit of the Antichrist being released over the whole world, and now we see it eroding away at the very fabric of the Church.

As we move into these last days, we see this satanic power deceiving the minds of the people on a global scale. Jesus prophesied of these events and warned of the evil days ahead as a time when men would be lovers of self. During these times covetousness would infiltrate the whole environment and people would hold fast to their lives and forfeit eternal life. We see this in the church world through different denominational structures and in various precepts of men taught as doctrines of the Holy Spirit.

Men are building religious empires, on a global scale, comparable to Nimrod's tower of Babel to exalt themselves and create a deity who will conform to their ungodly lifestyles. This same 'tower pattern' is being followed again as we enter into the end of the age. Men choose to glorify other men when the Bible plainly says, "Cursed is the man who makes flesh his arm and whose heart departs from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5) In spite of this warning, men still seek to be exalted and made into gods so that they may be worshipped, honored, and glorified.

Each of you now reading this book must realize this one fact: In the New Testament, there are no denominations. If you have an adherence or allegiance to a denomination, you have been deceived. There are no denominations in the world that come from God. In denominationalism, men supposedly receive a revelation from God. They then go forth to preach that revelation, and as they die shrines are built to the men and a denomination is created. This immediately cuts off the flow of the Holy Spirit and the revelation that can only come from God’s presence. It makes no difference what brand of religion you call yourself; there are no denominations – just Christ Jesus. The Holy Scriptures are emphatic, its Christ in all, operating over all, and Lord of all. There is no other name given amongst men whereby you must be saved. It is Christ and Christ alone!

I am not writing to condemn any religious system, but to present a dialogue based on a comparison of these systems with the Bible. Remember, I am not speaking to the church world at large or to religious organizations. My mission is to address those of you who have been organically birthed as members of the Body of Christ and have recognized that something is not right.

You must historically look at the base of the religion to which you belong, and then turn to the Scriptures to see if it actually represents what God desires. The Word of God is the only guide for us to follow. The Bible says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Unless we turn back to the Bible as the only source for helping us to grow in Christ, we will most assuredly find ourselves caught up in a delusion. This delusion parallels what the Israelites fell into when they created a golden calf and worshipped it as God. It leads us into designing a golden calf created after our own desires and then trying to force God to accept our form of worship. In this way, we openly defy what He has put forth as His desire and His will. There can be no greater tragedy for mankind.


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