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Exactly what do you believe?

Why is the book named The Jesus Cult?

Why have you written this book?

Aren't we told not to judge others?

Is this a book against religious institutions?

Why should I read this book?

I have read the book, now what do I do?

Are there any other books that you have written?

That Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified for the sins of the whole world and resurrected from the dead to justify those who receive Him as Savior by faith.

In one God who is three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe these three persons are one united in purpose, plan and pursuit.

That God the Father is the patriarchal head of the Godhead, Jesus as the Word is the obedient Son and the Holy Spirit is the omniscient, omnipresent comforter and revealer of Truth.

We believe in the universal Church Body of Christ which is made up of sanctified, cleansed, regenerated, believers who worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

That the Bible is the revelation of God to man given to instruct guide and transform the mind of man so that he can come into covenant with God as a Father and obey Him.

That Jesus will return soon to receive His regenerated body of believers to make them His bride.

That God will judge the righteous and the unrighteous, rewarding every person based on the deeds they perform in their mortal bodies.

In eternal salvation for the righteous and eternal damnation for the unrighteous sinners.


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